Kawagoyan News No.55 (2001.6.2)
Kawagoe-Salem Friendship Society C/o Y. Iwaki
2-1-8 Shinden, Kamifukuoka City 356-0033
![]() 記念式典での会長あいさつ |
総会の後、親善協会の15周年記念式典を開催しました。当日は、ゲストとして、川越市長(代理)ほか、川越市姉妹都市交流委員会、TIU、オッフェンバッハ懇話会、私立博物館からお客様を迎え、ごあいさつをいただいきました。 また、ドゥエル会長がこれまでの会の活動を振り返る報告をしました。 |
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午後に、ウィラメット大学のロン・ロフタス教授の講演会が昨年6月に続き今年も開催されました。 タイトルは、[An Appreciation for the Blues] 「アメリカのブルース、それは黒人の苦しみ、心の叫び。ブルースは差別と奴隷と深く関係がある。ギターの弾き方は大事だが、スウィングはもっと大事。そして、テクニックよりフィーリングがキー。」 音響設備の整った教室で先生持参のCD、テープを交えてのお話に48名の出席者は目を耳を一心に傾けました。 「ブルースは不変的な音楽」とおっしゃる先生は、音楽の中でも特にブルースがお好きだそうです。 小倉聰子 |
日時 6月30日(土)、午後1時30分〜3時30分
会場 TIU第1キャンパス 1号館 2階124教室
内容 「英語の学び方」
講師 田中 昌さん 元東京国際大学教授
持ち物 筆記用具、英和辞典
申し込み 6月15日までに、電話で斎藤尚43-1159、佐藤芳子31-0467、小倉聡子33-0245、
期間 7月28日正午〜29日午前、1泊2日
募集家族 23家族
謝礼 1家族6000円
詳しいことは、東京国際大学国際交流課 小林さんまで 電話0492-32-1111
1)2000年度 事業活動報告
1.5月7日 平成12度定期総会
2.6月3日 講演会: ロン・ロフタス 教授
3.10月14日 川越市姉妹友好都市歓迎会参加
4.12月2日 フレンド シップ デイ
講師・水上征夫 さん
テーマ: 米国留学の体験について
5.3月27日〜29日 スーザン.タナベ:スプレッグ 高校生来川
2)2000年度 会計収支報告(省略)
4)2001年度 事業活動計画
1.4月14日 平成13度定期総会
2.4月14日 講演会:ロン・ロフタス 教授
「 アメリカとブルース」
3.6月 講演会:田中 昌さん 元TIU学教授 「(仮)英語の学び方」
4.9月 親睦旅行 群馬県・温泉とぶどう狩り
5.11月 講演会:露崎 亮治さん 日本翻訳連盟会員 「 (仮)東欧について」
6.2月 フレンドシップ・デイ
5)2001年度 会計収支予算(省略)
事務局長:岩城 由光
広報部:沢田 和雄
時枝 瞳
会計部:吉岡 正雄
世古口 千恵子
事業部:斎藤 尚
佐藤 芳子
小倉 聡子
水上 征夫
監査役:大坪 健夫
My Impressions of Staying in Kawagoe
Name: Susan Tanabe
As always, our group has been busily seeing as much of Japan as we can. Flying into Shin Kansai Kuko and staying two nights in Wakayama, we see the ancient and holy Koya-san and stay in an old country home built early this century. Students cross the garden to use the ofuro and (non-flush) toilet and brush their teeth outside overlooking the neighboring fields. Next we stay two nights in beautiful Kyoto with homestays organized by a past exchange student from Sprague High School. After taking the shinkansen to Hiroshima and visiting the Peace Park, Miyajima is our next stop. A long shinkansen trip the next day brings us to Kawagoe...and I can honestly say this is a high point of our trip.
Staying with homestays who are familiar with the Kawagoe-Salem relationship is a learning experience in itself. Visiting another high school, meeting students and sharing time with them is very precious. Sprague and South High School students hear about this Sister City relationship from the beginning of their Japanese studies, but this opportunity finally makes it real. The deep and sincere care which our Kawagoe hosts have for us and for the city of Salem and the pride in which they show us the beautiful and historical city of Kawagoe is evident from the onset.
An additional benefit is the tie with Tokyo International University. Sprague third and fourth year Japanese students meet regularly with conversation partners with TIUA students in Salem both in our classroom and on the TIUA campus. My students then look forward to seeing the TIU campus. Eight students from my classes have continued their education at Willamette University, and many plan to or have taken part in the JSP or KET programs or other study trips to Japan. This short exchange helps me encourage students to keep the Salem-Kawagoe relationship energized for the future. 川越の皆さん、色々ありがとうございます!これからも宜しくお願いします!
My Impressions of Staying in Kawagoe:
The Pleasant Reversal of a Nervous Reaction
Name: Cindy
My first reaction to the news of an opportunity to visit Japan was that of joy. However, my reaction to a homestay in Kawagoe was extreme nervousness. I admit I have studied Japanese language and culture for three years, but that didn't convince me of my fitting in with an actual Japanese family for two days. However, after arriving in Kawagoe, my travel companions and I were pleasantly surprised by the friendly and kind folks that were to host us. I was greeted by Mrs. Ikeda, a cheerful woman who knew a surprising amount of English.
I probably could not have enjoyed my stay in Kawagoe so much if not for the kindness of the Ikeda family. Their presence transformed meals that could have been awkward into wonderful sessions of conversation, and mostly made my stay in Kawagoe that much more enjoyable. More than the omiage that they gave me, the memories they provided will warm my heart forever.
The kindness of the Ikeda family was further complimented by the hospitality of the students of Kawagoe Girl's High School. Despite our foreign and ignorant nature, the girls were very excited to show us around both their school and the city. Their patience with our curiosity was astounding.
In conclusion, my stay in Kawagoe was very exciting and pleasant because of the generosity and kindness of the citizens and students here. I wish you all well, and hope to return soon.
My Impressions of Staying in Kawagoe
Name: Jarrod
After just visiting Kawagoe for two days I soon realized I didn't want to leave. Japan is extremely diverse and so much goes on at all times. It feels like I would need to stay here for the rest of my life in order to take the country of Japan in as a whole. The Kawagoe all girls school was quite amazing. It began with an authentic tea ceremony and a warm welcome. After splitting off into groups and touring the entire school, the Japanese girls took us to the mayors office. One of his apprentices greeted us and then began to hand out T-shirts with the Kawagoe-Salem city friendship logo. When lunchtime came we again split off into groups and began our tour of the city. I think I can safely say that the Kawagoe girls were better at speaking Eigo then the Sprague students are at speaking Nihongo. For some odd reason which none of us could explain, we detoured for almost half an hour in the opposite direction of the school then having to back track the whole way. This journey left our feet sore and made us late when arriving at our rendezvous. Never the less I wouldn't have changed anything about that trip, those girls are so exuberant and very kawaii. My home stay treated me with more respect and kindness then I've ever seen, having been in Japan for a week now I realized this is a custom everywhere. Eating foods I would have never imagined eating in my life and finding them to be absolutely oishii! The experiences I've felt in the past week have been intensely immense. Thank-you all of Kawagoe and Mr. Okada (and family) for having me, these awesome experiences will last a lifetime!
My Impressions of Staying in Kawagoe
Name: Joshua
This was not my first time coming to Kawagoe, I came here before in 1994. I remembered this city being very, very KIREI, and when our class arrived in Kawagoe, it was better than I had remembered. We first came to TIU, not having seen this campus, I was very amazed by its size. My homestay was very nice to me! On the first night, they let me teach a little English to the kids that the mother was privately teaching, it was very fun. The Kawagoe Girls High School was very big, the tea ceremony that proceeded before us in the school with the kotos being played was very beautiful, and let me know that the Japanese culture is very complex and interesting. There were two girls that gave two friends and myself the grand tour of the city, the two of them were quite kawaii and friendly. Mrs. Hitomi Tokeida (and husband) were the nicest people I have ever met, the last night that I was in Kawagoe, I was greeted with a party, we dined like kings, then experienced the "new" culture by joining in on some karaoke, which was so very fun. From this experience, I can see the close knit bond between the sister cities of Salem and Kawagoe.
My Impressions of Staying in Kawagoe
Name: Lauren
Kawagoe is a remarkable city with a wonderful people. Every one was so nice, but none could have been nicer than Chieko, who was my host. I was so impressed with her English, for she spoke very well, and was amazed at how well traveled she was. She was so kind and thoughtful. The first night she brought over one of her relatives, a girl of about eight years, so I would not feel lonely. She also took me to a market, two temples, a spa, and a park; which I thought was very nice, for otherwise I would not have been able to see very much of the city. I loved the temples; they were so beautiful, and they exuded a feeling of age and serenity. With all the cherry blossoms everywhere, it is definitely something I will remember for a long time. It was a great experience.
Another activity that I found extremely enjoyable was visiting the Kawagoe Girls High School. It was amazing. I wish that there were more schools like that in America; so far I have seen only one that was similar, and it was in California. The students there were also very social. They were very eager to show us their school, and were curious about ours. I also found the way they could navigate around the city very impressive. Without them we would have been hopelessly lost. I was very grateful for their presence, to say the least.
My experience here was very enjoyable; I would love to come back again. Japan is a place that I could return to again and again.
My Impressions of Staying in Kawagoe
Name: Lindsay
I really enjoyed visiting Kawagoe. It is such a beautiful city and I had so much fun touring it. My host family was very kind and hospitable. They were very nice and we had a lot of fun together. I got to enjoy the Japanese culture. My host family even dressed me in a Kimono! I hope to keep in touch with them in the future. The Kawagoe girls high school was also a lot of fun. It was very interesting to compare it with our high school in Salem Oregon. I was very excited to have the girls show us around Kawagoe. We went shopping, ate lunch, and had our pictures taken together. It was tons of fun. We went to the Okashi ya yokacho and my mouth was watering the whole time. I wanted to buy all the sweets!!!!! The girls were so kind to us when they were showing us around. Everyone in Kawagoe was so nice and helpful. Kawagoe was such an interesting city to visit and I hope to return someday and meet everyone again!!!
My Impressions of Staying in Kawagoe
Name: Mija
At first I thought Kawagoe was going to be a small boring town. But I found Kawagoe to be beautiful (although cold!) and educational but in a fascinating way! The Okashi ya yokacho was my favorite place. The atmosphere was friendly and yet very busy. We also visited the Kawagoe Girls High School. Even though the girls there were on Spring Break they were nice enough to come back and give us a tour of their school. After that they took us to some local hang out spots. We even did some parikora which was a new experience for me and a little crazy with the time restriction. At the end of the day my feet hurt so bad but I still wanted to see the rest of Kawagoe. I think I speak for the rest of the Sprague students who came here when I say, we definitely will never forget our experiences in Kawagoe!
My Impressions of Staying in Kawagoe
Name: Ricci
I enjoyed my stay in Kawagoe very, very much. The people, the sites, and the city in general were all full of life and energy. I have never stayed somewhere where the entire atmosphere was filled with such a sense of kindness and well-being. There are many things to do here. Unfortunately, I did not have as much time as I would have liked to have had to see all the splendor that is in the city. It is a great honor to know that this wonderful city is our sister city. I would recommend anyone who wanted to visit a place where the beauty, much like the generosity, never stop, to come down and visit Kawagoe
My Impressions of Staying in Kawagoe
Name: Rie
I like seeing where my daddy works when he comes to Japan and works here. It was nice meeting Maika again. I hope I see her again next time. When we visited the high school, I really liked the mandolin and koto, and the colorguard. They are great at it. And I really liked the food here.
My Impressions of Staying in Kawagoe
Name: Shoki
My stay in Kawagoe was most indefinitely a memorable one. When we all first arrived here, my first impression was that of a grand and familiar one from years past of visitation. Kawagoe is truly a wonderful place for anyone to visit - especially if they are from Salem! People are treated so very nicely here, I certainly appreciated the hospitality put forward towards Ricci and I. I loved the experience I was fortunate enough to come across in staying with the Sato family. I give all my thanks and gratitude to the whole city of Kawagoe, and completely to Kenjiro, Yoshiko, and Ichiro.
The day spent with the Kawagoe Girls High School was a very nice experience for me and my social boundaries in terms of speaking to unknown girls. I enjoyed learning more about each one talked to, and will hopefully stay in touch with them.
Overall, I greatly enjoyed being a part of this wonderful and beautiful city for the timespan of two days, and will most definitely return with open arms, an open mind, and a great big smile upon my face. Once again, thank you all very, very much.
My Impressions of Staying in Kawagoe
Name: Tabitha
I thought the stay in Kawagoe was very fun. I enjoyed the trip very much. My homestay family was very nice and they treated me very well. Mrs. Imai, which was my homestay mother's name, was very kind and her cooking was very good. On the first night, we had tempura. Her friend, Mrs. Ono, came over to cook it because Mrs. Imai couldn't cook tempura, and Mrs. Ono worked in a restaurant that made tempura. We also had miso soup, which Mrs. Imai made, and salad.
Also that night, Mrs. Imai's daughter, Yasuko, came over to help translate for her mother and me. She was also very nice and she took me shopping at a grocery store before dinner. On the first floor, they had vegetables, fruits, and other things that you would find in an American grocery store. On the second floor, they sold clothes, handbags, makeup, and all sorts of other objects. There was also a store on the second floor that sold all sorts of things for only a hundred yen. After shopping, Yasuko and I went home for dinner.
The next day, Mrs. Imai drove me to Kawagoe Girls High School. They had many sakura trees lining the drive to the entrance that were all in bloom. They were all very beautiful and were perfect for the spring weather. At the high school, the Koto Club played a few pieces that I thought were very beautiful. Then, the Tea Ceremony Club came in and performed the Tea Ceremony. I noticed that it had many parts to it and how formal everything was. I liked the cake that they served us first, but I thought the green tea was a little bitter. After the ceremony, the members in my group and the girls split up into pairs and we toured the school. I was a bit surprised by how many clubs and activities they had that were similar to American school activities. For example, they had a track and field team and a colorguard team. I was also surprised by how Un-American the school was, too. For example, they had to take their shoes off and wear slippers in school, and they had a mandolin club. Overall, I enjoyed the visit to the high school very much because it gave me insight in to how different and similar Japan schools were to American schools.
I enjoyed my time in Kawagoe very much and I hope to return soon.
My Impressions of Staying in Kawagoe
Name: William
Your impressions: I had an amazing time in Kawagoe, and had the opportunity to become part of an amazing host family. Everyone in Kawagoe has been very kind, leaving a lasting impression about what a community should be. When I first arrived I met my host brother, Nagayuki, who treated me like his brother from the very beginning. Over the next few days "Yuki" and I visited Kawagoe Girls High School, went shopping, rode the train, and played video games late into the night. My host mother, Kazuyo, did anything possible to make me feel at home. Though Kazuyo is a small lady she has a very big heart. My host father, Katsuhiko, was very kind and an excellent cook. He doesn't get home until late, but when he does dinner and the fun begins. I was lucky enough to have a beautiful host sister named Chieko. Though we did not have a chance to visit she was very kind. Even though my host dog Ai chan barked at me every chance she got, I loved her too.
東京国際大学食堂での歓迎会 写真:斉藤
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